In 1948, Colombia overprinted a set of 1942 Postal Savings stamps with the phrase: “Colombia Sobretasa 1 Centavo” This roughly translates to “Colombia Surcharge 1 Cent” The Postal Savings Stamps, inscribed: “Banco Postal de Colombia Ahorro Postal” which translates to “Post Bank Colombia, Postal Savings” Postal Savings stamps were purchased by an individual as […]
Posts with the Postal Tax tag
Cyprus – Postal Tax Stamps of 1974-2008, and the 1984 font type differences
The Cyprus Postal Tax stamps used starting in 1974 and through today were, according to Scott, for the “Refugee Fund” In the Scott Catalog, after the 1984 Issue (RA4), Scott notes “There are two types of No. RA4”. Unfortunately, Scott does not elaborate further. The Michel Catalog comes to the rescue with Zypern #4 in […]