Komitetit Te Qindreses – Series 2 – Imperfs

Just discovered for the first time, a set of imperfs of the Series 2 – Relief Air Drops

These stamps were seen on eBay in early to mid September, 2024, and we have 1 pair of each type

ALBANIA -  SHQIPNIJA Air Mail 1952 Komitetit Te Qindreses  IMPERFORATE   AL-9625 - Picture 1 of 3

ALBANIA -  SHQIPNIJA Air Mail 1952 Komitetit Te Qindreses  IMPERFORATE   AL-9625 - Picture 2 of 3

ALBANIA -  SHQIPNIJA Air Mail 1952 Komitetit Te Qindreses  IMPERFORATE   AL-9625 - Picture 3 of 3


(This author did not win the bid for these stamps, so some other collector got lucky)

In years of eBay searching, these I think are the first imperfs of this set I have seen

I have updated the catalog – At https://www.eworldstamps.com/komitetit-te-qindreses-committee-resistance-albania-fantasy-series-1940s-1960s/ with this new information


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